The sun is a normal main-sequence G2 star one of more than 100 billion stars in our galaxy. It is classified as a yellow dwarf. the surface temperature is 5500 Celsius, with a mass of 1.989e30 kg and a diameter of 1390000 km.
The sun is center of our solar system and makes up 99.8% of the mass of the entire solar system.
As the sun is made up of gases and is enormous the spin rate is different at equator and poles. It spins once about 25 Earth days at the equator and once about 35 Earth days at the poles.
All the energy radiated by the sun is the cause of the life on Earth. With out the sun's intense energy life wouldn't have thrived on our planet.
The temperature of the sun's core is 15 million Kelvin.
In addition to heat and light, the Sun also emits a low density stream of charged particles (mostly electrons and protons) known as the solar wind which propagates throughout the solar system at about 450 km/sec. The solar wind and the much higher energy particles ejected by solar flares can have dramatic effects on the Earth ranging from power line surges to radio interference to the beautiful aurora borealis.
Recent data from the spacecraft Ulysses show that during the minimum of the solar cycle the solar wind emanating from the polar regions flows at nearly double the rate, 750 kilometers per second, than it does at lower latitudes. The composition of the solar wind also appears to differ in the polar regions. During the solar maximum, however, the solar wind moves at an intermediate speed.
Further study of the solar wind will be done by Wind, ACE and SOHO spacecraft from the dynamically stable vantage point directly between the Earth and the Sun about 1.6 million km from Earth.

Spectacular loops and prominences are often visible on the Sun’s limb (Right).
Below posted is an infographic about sun with more facts.
